Facebook Ultra Paine Pixel Ultra Paine® – Ultra Trail Running Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile

Ultra Paine®

28 - 29 September, 2024

80K - 50K - 35K - 21K - 14K - 7K

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Ultra Paine Event Flags
Event Sponsors
Main Partner
Logo Fundación Cerro Guido Conservación
Ultra Paine Event Flags
80K - 50K - 35K - 21K - 14K - 7K
SINCE 2014
  • La disfruté de principio a fin… Ha sido lejos la mejor carrera en la que he participado. Con una ruta maravillosa y unos paisajes espectaculares. Lejos la mejor carrera de Chile.
    Carolina Pincheira (Chile)
    (35K 1st Place Ultra Paine 2019)
  • Still can't believe this was the finish line... I'm forever spoiled by this race.
    Johanna Marczyk (Poland)
    80K Ultra Paine 2019
  • Não há palavras para descrever essa prova… eu poderia falar das belezas que vi, das condições climáticas adversas da Patagônia, do nível assustador dos competidores e da incrível sensação de conexão com a natureza selvagem… mas seria insuficiente.
    Rodrigo Barboza da Silva (Brasil)
    35K Ultra Paine 2017
  • Running Ultra Paine was an amazing experience. The vast sweeping plains, the glacial lakes, and of course the incredible mountains. A wild and untamed wilderness that not only opened my eyes to its beauty, but also my heart…
    Ian Morgan (New Zealand)
    50K Ultra Paine 2017
  • Una de las experiencias más increíbles y emotivas que el deporte me ha hecho vivir. Correr en este lugar, rodeado de montañas, lagos, ríos, naturaleza; que fácilmente se podría decir que es sacada de una obra de arte, es realmente conmovedor.
    Mariano Breccia (Perú)
    14K Ultra Paine 2019
First Trail-Running Event In Southern Chilean Patagonia

In the year 2014, Ultra Paine® was the first trail-running event to take place in both Torres del Paine National Park and Southern Patagonia, Chile. Since its origin, the event has brought together runners from 40 countries, converging to the southern tip of Patagonia to fulfill the dream of running the trails of one of the most pristine locations on the planet!

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Tenth Edition | 80K - 50K - 35K - 21K - 14K - 7K

The race route has consolidated over the past few years to create an experience that includes distances from 7Km to 80Km (50 Miles). Due to its format and characteristics, the event is open to all levels of participants, ranging from those who are just entering the world of trail running to the most experienced mountain runners. The race distances for this anniversary edition will be 80K, 50K, 35K, 21K, 14K & 7K.

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Extreme South of American Continent | at 51° South Latitude

Geographically, Ultra Paine® event takes place in the extreme south of the American continent, at 51° south latitude, in a privileged location of Western Patagonia, located to the east of the great Southern Ice Field and in the surroundings of Torres del Paine National Park, Providence of Última Esperanza (Last Hope), Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region.

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Our Collaborators
Logo Ilustre Municipilidad Torres del Paine
Logo Cámara de Turismo Última Esperanza
Logo Fundación Cerro Guido Conservación
Logo Estancia Cerro Guido
Logo Patagonia Camp
Logo Hotel Las Torres
Logo Hotel Ovejero
Logo Hotel Costaustralis
Logo Mesita Grande
Logo Turismo 21 de Mayo
Logo Recasur
Logo Cisne Negro
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