Facebook Ultra Paine Pixel General Rules – Ultra Paine®

General Rules

28 - 29 SEPTEMBER, 2024

80K - 50K - 35K - 21K - 14K - 7K
10th Edition
Ultra Paine Event Flags

Article 01 Race – Definition, Format, Organization

1.1. The name of the event is ULTRA PAINE®, hereafter, also referred to as the “Race” or the “Event.” The event is a sports activity within the trail running discipline, presenting the following race distances: 80K, 50K, 35K, 21K, 14K and 7K. The event will occur in Patagonia’s extreme south, in the Magellan and Chilean Antarctic Region, Province of Última Esperanza (Last Hope), in the surroundings of Torres del Paine National Park.

1.2. ULTRA PAINE® is organized by Racing Patagonia®, hereafter, also referred to as “the organization” or the “organizers.” Hereafter, ULTRA PAINE®‘s participants are referred to as the “runners” or the “participants.”

1.3. The rights and obligations of the race, the event organizers, and the runners, in addition to the development of the race, shall be governed and amended by these rules and regulations.

1.4. ULTRA PAINE®‘s official language is Spanish, as the event’s host country is Chile; however, being that it is an event including runners from different countries, English has been established as a second language. Therefore, all of the generated documents required for the participants and the events will be available in both Spanish and English.

1.5. The Race Director has maximum authority over the event. In specific cases regarding controversy, a jury will convene to determine the conclusion. Please see Article 3.

1.6. According to the ITRA (International Trail Running Association), trail running is defined as running through a natural environment (mountains, deserts, forests, plains, etc.) with a minimum amount of paved or asphalted roads, which must not exceed 20% of the total course. The type of terrain may vary (dirt path, forest footpaths, trails, etc.), and the route must be properly marked. The race ideally is – but is not necessarily limited to– a semi-self-sufficient race that relies on self-reliance, which is to be carried out with respect to sportsmanship, loyalty, solidarity, and the environment.

1.7. The format forULTRA PAINE® will be a non-stop run carried out in semi-autonomy. This implies that each runner must be autonomous between Aid Stations (PAS). Each runner must be responsible for his or her own food, hydration, clothing and safety equipment. The runner must be prepared and equipped to meet the challenges and demands of the Race, as well as considering the adverse geographical and climatic conditions present in the Race’s location.

1.8. During the course of the entire Race, outside assistance is strictly prohibited, with the exception of certain official Control Points. In those points, runners may receive support from his/her team, family, or fiends; however, it is their responsibility to have external means of transportation or any other services they should require. It is prohibited to run with an unregistered companion.

1.9. Since its origin, ULTRA PAINE® is based upon the concept of life experience in a natural environment, integrating sport, healthy living, and conservation. It is organized with the utmost respect for the environment. All runners should have special consideration to the following points:

1.9.1. It is prohibited for runners to leave clothing, bottles, food or drink wrappers, or any other type of waste along the route, except in places where there are specific trash containers; however, with that being said, it is not permitted to leave any type of clothing or equipment (all equipment and clothing must be transported by the runner from the start to the finish, even if it is damaged or ruined).

1.9.2. The vegetation and wildlife must be respected at all times. Any action that causes harm or destruction to the vegetation and wildlife is strictly prohibited.

1.9.3. The Race takes place far away from urban centers and places, so runners will only have access to bathrooms and facilities in certain places. Therefore, if necessary, runners must be at least 60 meters away from any water source and utilize the technique “cathole.” Runners must try to avoid roads and animal tracks as well.

1.9.4. In order to reduce waste and garbage, the Event will not include plastic cups. Runners should carry their own hydration system and/or bottles.

1.10. The race will not grant any prize money. Runners will receive medals according to their race distance and the award structure based on the race categories.

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Article 02 Rights and Obligations

2.1. The Race’s development, its rights and obligations, and those of the runners will be governed by these Rules and its modifications.

2.2. The organization reserves the right to modify at any moment these current Rules and Regulations. The event’s official rules will correspond to the most current version of the rules and regulations prior to the start of the event. The Rules and Regulations will always include the current version’s date, which will be listed under the document’s title.

2.3. The organization reserves the right to reprogram or cancel the event for reasons of force majeure. Please review specific policies in Article 15.

2.4. For security reasons or reasons of force majeure, such as natural disasters or others, the organization reserves the right to modify the race route or aid stations at any time, including during the event.

2.5. Upon registration, all Participants accept the use and dissemination of any images, videos, and/or photographs that may be taken from the Event and their participation, may it be for advertising, commercial, or any other purposes.

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Article 03 Race Director and Jury

3.1. The maximum authority for ULTRA PAINE® is the Event’s Race Director. He shall make all the final decisions concerning any difficulties or disputes that arise within the scope of the event.

3.2. The Race Director will have the final decision on any objection or dispute that may arise during, as well as leading up to, the Race.

3.3. For cases the Race Director deems necessary, a jury will be presented the information, and then will properly evaluate and respond to the situation. The jury will be called upon especially for cases that include a runner’s disqualification.

3.4. The jury will be composed of:

3.5. The jury must reach a decision within a reasonable time limit, meaning within the requirements demanded for proper completion of the race. Their decisions are final.

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Article 04 Participation Requirements

4.1. Be fully aware of all the Race’s dimensions and risks, and specifically including the test it takes to complete, and be fully prepared, for all of them.

4.2. Having minimal experience and semi-autonomy ability in mountains, that allows for him or her to successfully and independently confront the challenges presented in ULTRA PAINE®, especially with respect to:

4.2.1. Facing weather conditions that will occasionally be hostile due to the latitude, relative altitude, and typical Patagonia weather (wind, cold, rain, or snow). Similarly, it likely there will be situations of excess solar radiation.

4.2.2. Having basic knowledge of outdoor awareness and location, including the ability to understand a map, which means being familiar with scales, altimetry, and orientation. Although the route will be clearly marked, this basic knowledge is required for safety reasons, as well as giving a runner an understanding of their location in order to make a better decision if and when applicable.

4.2.3. Knowing how to manage, even when isolated, physical or mental problems that may arise from fatigue, digestive problems, muscle or joint pain, small wounds, blisters, etc.

4.2.4. Fully understanding that it is not the event organizers’ role or responsibility to help runners solve their personal problems.

4.2.5. Fully acknowledging that this activity is in the midst of nature, meaning security depends mainly on a runner’s experience and ability to solve foreseeable problems he or she may encounter, including his or her criteria for decision-making at all times.

4.2.6. Fully acknowledging that there are some sections of the route that are not easily accessible for medical personnel. Nevertheless, the organization will have specialized personnel in the most complex and isolated areas along the course.

4.2.7. In the entire race course, only certain points will be accessible by vehicle. Runners who wish to withdraw from the race, under non-emergency circumstances, may only do so at those locations. According to your position in the race at the time of an eventual withdrawal, you must return to the closest PAS or continue until you reach the next PAS in order to be transported back to Puerto Natales.

4.3. The minimum age in order to participate is 18 years old. In all cases, the age considered is the one completed by the day of the race.

4.4. ULTRA PAINE® is an event that requires limited technical ability, as it is run at a low altitude, and generally offers good access points to the route along the course. Runners who are just starting in the Trail Running discipline are welcome; however, having previous Trail Running experience is still recommended, with any and all experience related to mountain activities being considered as an advantage. A runner must be responsible for their decisions, and therefore consider the following points according to race distance before registering:

4.4.1. ULTRA PAINE® 7K, 14K & 21K: It is recommended to have training specific to trail running, in addition to having completed trail running events.

4.4.2. ULTRA PAINE® 35K: It is recommended to have training specific to trail running, in addition to having completed at least one trail-running event that exceeds 20km.

4.4.3. ULTRA PAINE® 50K: It is recommended to have training specific to trail running, in addition to having completed at least one trail-running event that exceeds 30km.

4.4.4. ULTRA PAINE® 80K: It is recommended to have training specific to trail running, in addition to having completed at least one trail-running event that exceeds 50km.

4.5. It is the runner’s responsibility to have necessary health and physical conditions required to complete the race. If the runner has had any previous health problems that may be detrimental to his or her participation in the race, it is his/her responsibility to be evaluated by and request a recommendation from a competent physician before participating in the race.

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Article 05 Categories, Times, Classification, and Awards

5.1. Runners of all race distances are classified according to the following age range, following the age completed by the day of the event:

Category Age Range: Males Age Range: Females
Hares 16 — 17 16 — 17
Guanacos 18 — 29 18 — 29
Pumas 30 — 39 30 — 39
Huemules 40 — 49 40 — 49
Foxes 50 — 59 50 — 59
Condors 60 — 69 60 — 69
Mylodones 70 + 70 +
NOTE: The categories have been named in recognition of the natural environment in which the race takes place. The names used are from the surrounding wildlife.

5.2. ULTRA PAINE® format runs non-stop, which means that the time stops only when the runner crosses the finish line. There are times that may be considered neutral or not included due to medical care, or any other related breaks. However, only the Race Director may decide whether the time will be stopped or not for reasons under force majeure.

5.3. Only the runners who cross the finish line within the established time limit will be included in the official classification and receive finisher medals.

5.4. For all race distances, runners will be awarded for the first three places in each category. Additionally, for all race distances, the first three finishers for both the men and women, regardless of category, will receive an additional special medal.

5.5. The awards ceremony for all distances and their respective categories at the finish line will be according to the schedule announced in the Runner’s Guide.

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Article 06 Registration Process

6.1. ULTRA PAINE® is an experience within the discipline of trail running, classified specifically as having high physical, mental, and technical requirements, which includes requiring fundamental planning, personal logistical preparation, and race strategies to complete. In this context, each runner is responsible for informing his/herself regarding ULTRA PAINE®‘s specific characteristics, as he or she is free to signup, and therefore must accept the event’s conditions.

6.2. In order register, all runners interested in participating in ULTRA PAINE®, which means meeting the minimum required experience and complying with all of the event’s rules and regulations, must complete the registration form available on the event’s official registration page. This is the first step in participating in ULTRA PAINE®. The runner will be considered officially registered after completing the following:

6.2.1. Medical certificate that clearly indicates a runner’s ability to complete this sort of activity, specifically including the completion of the specified distance.

6.2.2. A signed copy of the event’s disclaimer form.

6.3. In the registration form, each runner is required to briefly describe his or her experience in this type of event, specifically listing relevant races he or she has completed.

6.4. The organization reserves the right to question the runner for further irrelevant information, documentation, and/or certificates, as well as reserving the right to reject any applicant who does not comply with ULTRA PAINE®’s requirements or application process. Similarly, the Organization can refuse a runner’s participation under the criteria that he/she does not meet the minimum values of respect according to the spirit of ULTRA PAINE®.

6.5. The registration payment for ULTRA PAINE® includes:

6.6. The registration payment does NOT include:

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Article 07 Responsibilities, Obligations, and Disqualification

7.1. All Participants are responsible for the following:

7.1.1. Being knowledgeable and aware of the event’s features, which includes fully understanding the mental, physical, and logistical challenges involved in ULTRA PAINE® participation. In addition, runners should arrive fully prepared to confront the Race’s challenges safely and enjoy the experience.

7.1.2. Inform another person, friend, or family of your participation in ULTRA PAINE®, which should include the general information, date and place, the website links to ULTRA PAINE®, as well as the organization’s contact information. A runner should further indicate to the person that he or she will not have a permanent Internet connection during the days of ULTRA PAINE®, as well as not having a permanent mobile connection.

7.1.3. Having health insurance to cover potential health problems that may occur, whether it is due to injury, accident, or other risks associated with the activity.

7.1.4. Promptly arriving to his or her corresponding starting point based on the itinerary schedule for his or her race distance. Remembering that in all of the races the assembly time will be at least one hour of waiting time prior to the start of the race.

7.2. All of the Participants are required to conduct themselves in a responsible manner according to sportsmanship and sports ethics, especially maintaining a healthy competition among competitors, which includes, but is not limited to: assisting other runners if necessary; respecting the nature and places he or she passes at all times; respecting all participants; respecting the inhabitants living within the surrounding towns; respecting all members that are either a part of the organization or assisting the organization and the event; taking care of his or herself during the event; and trying to be consciences of the environment, the risks associated with each action, and what he or she is experiencing during the days of the event.

7.3. The organization shall have the right and duty to penalize or disqualify any runner whose actions do not conform to an ethical responsibility of sportsmanship, or in cases where he or she does not accordingly conform to the event’s requirements or demands. In the case that a runner is disqualified, the runner should continue to the point indicated by the organization, and will not be included in the event’s official ranking. Some causes for disqualification, while not being limited to their extent, are the following:

7.4. In cases where a runner demonstrates offensive, threatening, aggressive, or rude behavior against the organization or others associated with the event, which includes being sanctioned after the event, such as through social media sites. All those found guilty can be sanctioned and/or excluded from future ULTRA PAINE® editions and/or other events associated with the organization. Any complaint or clarification must be done so through the event’s official email, info@ultrapaine.com, using straightforward language that both describes the situation and clearly argues their point with evidence regarding the matter.

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Article 08 Equipment

8.1. The mandatory and recommended equipment list that is listed here corresponds to the minimum equipment necessary to confronting the challenges that will be presented in ULTRA PAINE® 2024. If deemed necessary by the Runner, he or she is free to include any other equipment that, according to personal capabilities, experience, or strategy, can be important to the runner’s participation in the race. In cases of doubt regarding the equipment list, the runner should consult with the organization to ensure that he or she complies with and fulfills the event’s minimum requirements.

8.2. Mandatory & Recommended Equipment List

The official equipment list for each race distance is presented in the ‘Equipment’ section of our website. It is the runner’s responsibility to be attentive to any and all updates to the mandatory and recommended equipment list. The date of the latest update will be marked above the table. Any item that is listed as mandatory is subject to revision by the organization. Please don’t risk any penalties or even possible disqualification. The mandatory equipment will be fundamental to both your security and comfort during the race, so please be responsible for yourself. Selecting and evaluating each item is the runner’s responsibility.

8.3. The use of skates or any other type of forward moving wheels is strictly prohibited.

8.4. The organization shall review the required equipment prior to the start of the race. Also, it will be monitored during the course of the race and could be subject to revision after the runners have crossed the finish line. Not carrying the required equipment will result in a penalty or even a disqualification.

8.5. In cases of doubt concerning the necessary equipment, the runner should consult the organization to ensure that he or she is complying with all of the event’s requirements.

8.6. The runner will be responsible for selecting his or her equipment, and should present that equipment to the organization prior to the Race for verification that meets the established requirements.

8.7. The list of required and recommended equipment that is listed in this document corresponds to the minimum equipment necessary to confronting the challenges that will be presented in ULTRA PAINE®. If deemed necessary by the Runner, he or she is free to include any other equipment he or she would like based on his or her previous running experience and career strategy.

8.8. NOTE: The equipment is very important to the runner’s security and comfort throughout the race; the evaluation and selection of each piece of equipment is the runner’s responsibility.

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Article 09 Runner’s Kit

9.1. In order to apply for or retrieve the Runner Kit, the runner must have met all the requirements to enter the race.

9.2. The schedule for picking up the runner’s kit will be announced officially in the Runner’s Guide, but a preliminary schedule can be found below:

Date Time Location
27 September 09:00 – 22:00 Hotel Costaustralis
Puerto Natales
28 September 11:00 – 18:00 Hotel Costaustralis
Puerto Natales
NOTE: Please refer to your Runner’s Guide for any updated dates and/or times for Kit Pick Up.

9.3. The Runner Kit includes the following:

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Article 10 Departure Times, Time Limits, and Cut-Off Schedules

10.1. The schedules, starting points, and finish line are different for each race distance. Similarly, each race distance has a specific time limit. Those times, dates, and schedules will be released at a later date, in addition to the starting points and finish lines, including additional relevant information for each race distance. A table regarding general information for each distance is shown below:

28 September
21K 35K 50K 80K
Mountain Half-Marathon 50 Miles
Total Distance (km) 21.5 35.8 51.5 81.0
Total Distance (miles) 13.4 22.0 31.8 50.0
Ascent(+) 940m 1,470m 1,630m 3,220m
Descent(-) 915m 1,490m 1,710m 3,320m
Maximum Altitude 462 masl 462 masl 462 masl 870 masl
Maximum Race Time 7 hrs 8 hrs 13 hrs 16 hrs
Starting Line Acceso
Patagonia Camp
Ruta Y-290
Cruce Bahía El Bote
Ruta Y-202
El Kark
Ruta Y-200
Villa Cerro
Ruta 9
Starting Time (Day/Time) 28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
Cut-Off Time (Day/Time) 28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
Cut-Off Points NO NO Mirador Grey
Mirador Grey
Finish Line Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Aid Stations (PAS)* 4 5 7 10
Drop Bag (DB)** 1 1 1 2
ITRA Points Awarded 1 2 2 3
Mandatory Equipment Yes Yes Yes Yes
* The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a PAS.
** For the 21K, 35K & 50K distances, the only drop bag (DB) is the one that is left at the starting line and delivered at the finish line. The 80K has one additional bag, located at PAS La Península.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The content included in the table is preliminary and subject to change. It could be modified over the coming months.
29 September
7K 14K
Total Distance (km) 7.2 13.8
Total Distance (miles) 4.5 8.6
Ascent(+) 200m 400m
Descent(-) 200m 400m
Maximum Altitude 258 masl 258 masl
Maximum Race Time 4 hrs 5 hrs
Starting Line Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Starting Time (Day/Time) 29 Sep
29 Sep
Cut-Off Time (Day/Time) 29 Sep
29 Sep
Cut-Off Points Cerro Paine
Cerro Paine
Finish Line Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Aid Stations (PAS)* 3 4
Drop Bag (DB)** 1 1
ITRA Points Awarded No No
Mandatory Equipment Yes Yes
* The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a PAS.
** For the 7K & 14K, the only drop bag (DB) is the one that is left at the starting line and delivered at the finish line.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The content included in the table is preliminary and subject to change. It could be modified over the coming months.

10.2. For security and logistical reasons, schedules and cut-off times will be established at intermediary points. These points will be located in the most-important aid-stations. Runners who do not arrive before the established cut-off times will be considered disqualified. It is very important that each runner is conscientious of the times and distances that are established for completing each race section.

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Article 11 Runner Number

11.1. The participants must wear their Official Race Number at all times. It is the runner’s responsibility to take care of his/her number, which includes making sure it is always located above every layer of clothing and visible in front.

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Article 12 Runner’s Bag (Checkroom)

12.1. For all of the races during ULTRA PAINE® 2024, runners are permitted to send one bag of personal items (Runner’s Bag) to the Finish Line. These Drop Bags must be entered directly at each respective Starting Line and can only include nutrition and/or clothing. It may NOT, however, be used to carry electronic equipment, fragile items, or anything of value. For each race distance, the organization will provide personalized stickers to be placed on each bag.

Distance(s) Amount of Bag(s)
80K 2
50K, 35K, 21K, 14K & 7K 1*
* For the 50K, 35K, 21K, 14K and 7K race distances, the only Drop bag (DB) is the one received in the games.

12.2. The organization will be extremely careful with all personal belongings. However, ultimately, the organization will not be responsible for lost, robbed, or damaged items. For logistical and security reasons, runners are only permitted to submit the necessary minimum, and it is not permitted, in any and all cases, the inclusion of fragile or high-valued items in the Runner’s Bag.

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Article 13 Safety During the Race

13.1. It is important to understand and accept that all outdoor sports activities, specifically taking place in mountains, involve risks. In this context, the runner’s safety during the completion of ULTRA PAINE® depends on many factors, most of which relate to the decisions, activities, or processes that start long before you start the event. The runner’s experience, training, technical skills, race strategy, and choice of equipment will be key factors in the racer’s safety and having an overall safer race.

13.2. It is the runner’s responsibility to choose his or her race distance for ULTRA PAINE®, and assume the risks of his or her specific distance. Similarly, it is his or her responsibility to be well prepared with the proper equipment.

13.3. The organization will put in place along the race route specialized personnel for rescue and first aid assistance, both in fixed points and with mobile equipment, most especially in more complicated areas. In the same way, the organization will establish a satellite and VHF communication network, and will also create an evacuation plan for each race area. However, the runner must assume that these might take time, and therefore understand that the usage of the mandatory equipment and its selection will be crucial to the runner’s safety.

13.4. Only in some areas of the Race path will runners have mobile phone signal, but the use of mobile phones are still included in the list of recommended equipment.

13.5. The Organization shall not be responsible for any cost associated to any injuries that may occur during the preparation, transfer to or from the race starting points, or participation in the race. This includes, but is not limited to, the transportation to and from a hospital, skilled medical care services, and any medication that may be needed for the runner.

13.6. If a runner leaves the path or gets lost at some point, he or she should stop immediately and return to the last point of the route marked for the race. It is the responsibility of the runner to be attentive and follow the marked track.

13.7. If an official staff member informs a runner that he or she should not continue for security or other reasons, he or she must follow the course markings to the nearest aid station.

13.8. If a runner is not able to complete the race, he or she should inform any member of the organization, and follow the instructions to certain points indicated by the organization.

13.9. The last runner on the route will be followed at a distance by a mobile control group, which will close the racetrack. This group will have satellite communications from the operations center, and will be monitored by a satellite tracking system. Any instructions given by the leader of this group to the runner must be obeyed.

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Article 14 Personal Property

14.1. The organization will be extremely careful of the runner’s belongings; however, the organization will ultimately not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to those belongings. For logistical and security reasons regarding a runner’s belongings, the runner must hand in only the bare minimum, and is not allowed under any circumstances to include fragile or valuable items in the runner’s bag(s) given to the organization.

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Article 15 Policies for Event Modification, Cancelation and Refunds

15.1. During exceptional cases, due to force majeure, the organization ULTRA PAINE® reserves the right to reschedule the date or race schedule for the event. The possible reasons include, but are not limited to the following: fire, war, acts of terrorism, restrictions due to a global pandemic, problems with permissions regarding right to access of land, extreme climatic conditions, other natural disasters, for security reasons or justified orders from a competent authority. In these cases, which are beyond the will and responsibility of the organization, the event will be rescheduled and the runners will maintain their race entry without any additional cost. In addition, in order to be as flexible as possible, any registered runner can choose to reschedule his/her race entry for the next year or any future edition, with the ability to reschedule as many times as necessary until he/she is able to run. Therefore, the ticket provided at registration will not expire until it is used. Another alternative exists as well, which allows any registered runner to transfer his/her registration ticket to another runner. To summarize, in these exceptional cases for rescheduling, the registration ticket is 100% flexible, in the sense that it can be used for any future edition or be transferred to another runner.

15.2. In any case that the organization finds it necessary to cancel the event, without any option to postpone for a future edition and for reasons not attributed to force majeure, registered runners will be reimbursed for the amount paid at the time of registration.

15.3. Should a registered participant be unable to travel due to certified medical reasons or travel restrictions in the region, the organization will offer the greatest possible flexibility. Therefore, a runner may choose to postpone his/her participation until the following edition or any future edition, including the ability to change as many times as necessary, or choose to transfer his/her registration ticket to another runner.

15.4. If for any reason or circumstance a registered runner decides to withdraw his/her race entry before the start ULTRA PAINE®, he/she may either opt to transfer 100% of the registration value to the event’s next edition or apply for a refund, which can only be accepted before the registration window has closed, based on the following refund policy:

*Refunds can only be made through Chilean bank account or a PayPal account. The refund process can take anywhere from 30 to 90 days. Refunds do not include the commission paid to Welcu, WeTravel or others at the time of registration or the costs associated with the refund transfer. Regardless of the timetable noted above, once registration has officially closed, according to the date provided during registration, no refunds will be provided and no changes to race distance will be accepted.

Any runner who wishes to renounce his/her participation in ULTRA PAINE® after registration has closed but before the event has started, the only option available is to request that 50% of their registration payment be used during registration for the even’t next edition.

In order to take advantage of one of these options, a runner must advise the Organization before the day of the event by writing an email to info@ultrapaine.com.

If a runner does not attend or express his or her intention to postpone registration, it will be deemed as lost.

15.5. If a runner opts to use their postponed spot from a previous edition, the deadlines for requesting a refunded percentage will be governed by the conditions that would have applied to their original registration, regardless of the date the ‘new’ registration was completed.

15.6. In the event that a runner decides to change to a shorter distance, no refunds will be provided.

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