Facebook Ultra Paine Pixel Map & Elevation Profile – Ultra Paine®

Map & Elevation Profile

28 - 29 SEPTEMBER, 2024

80K - 50K - 35K - 21K - 14K - 7K
10th Edition
Ultra Paine Event Flags


28 September
21K 35K 50K 80K
Mountain Half-Marathon 50 Miles
Total Distance (km) 21.5 35.8 51.5 81.0
Total Distance (miles) 13.4 22.0 31.8 50.0
Ascent(+) 940m 1,470m 1,630m 3,220m
Descent(-) 915m 1,490m 1,710m 3,320m
Maximum Altitude 462 masl 462 masl 462 masl 870 masl
Maximum Race Time 7 hrs 8 hrs 13 hrs 16 hrs
Starting Line Acceso
Patagonia Camp
Ruta Y-290
Cruce Bahía El Bote
Ruta Y-202
El Kark
Ruta Y-200
Villa Cerro
Ruta 9
Starting Time (Day/Time) 28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
Cut-Off Time (Day/Time) 28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
28 Sep
Cut-Off Points NO NO Mirador Grey
Mirador Grey
Finish Line Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Base Camp
Río Serrano
Aid Stations (PAS)* 4 5 7 10
Drop Bag (DB)** 1 1 1 2
ITRA Points Awarded 1 2 2 3
Mandatory Equipment Yes Yes Yes Yes
* The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a PAS.
** For the 21K, 35K & 50K distances, the only drop bag (DB) is the one that is left at the starting line and delivered at the finish line. The 80K has one additional bag, located at PAS La Península.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The content included in the table is preliminary and subject to change. It could be modified over the coming months.
29 September
7K 14K
Total Distance (km) 7.2 13.8
Total Distance (miles) 4.5 8.6
Ascent(+) 200m 400m
Descent(-) 200m 400m
Maximum Altitude 258 masl 258 masl
Maximum Race Time 4 hrs 5 hrs
Starting Line Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Starting Time (Day/Time) 29 Sep
29 Sep
Cut-Off Time (Day/Time) 29 Sep
29 Sep
Cut-Off Points Cerro Paine
Cerro Paine
Finish Line Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Welcome Center
/ Reserva Las Torres
Aid Stations (PAS)* 3 4
Drop Bag (DB)** 1 1
ITRA Points Awarded No No
Mandatory Equipment Yes Yes
* The Starting Line and Finish Line are both considered as a PAS.
** For the 7K & 14K, the only drop bag (DB) is the one that is left at the starting line and delivered at the finish line.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The content included in the table is preliminary and subject to change. It could be modified over the coming months.

Elevation Profile & Aid Stations 2024

80K – 50K – 35K – 21K

Ultra Paine 2024 Elevation Profile - Aid Stations (PAS) 900px


Elevation Profile - Aid Stations (PAS) Ultra Paine 2024 14K 900px


Elevation Profile - Aid Stations (PAS) Ultra Paine 2024 7K 900px


Map Ultra Paine 2024 900px

Calculate your race time and plan your training

Our partners Soy Maratonista and Running.COACH offer a prognostic tool to predict race times based on route elevation, which will ultimately provide you with kilometer-by-kilometer table to accurately see your split times and help you plan a race strategy to achieve your best performance.

In addition, they have personalized plans that take additional factors into consideration, such as physical fitness, goals/objectives and race characteristics. For our event, they a special offer of a 15-day trial and a 50% discount.

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