Facebook Ultra Paine Pixel Press – Ultra Paine®



50K - 35K - 21K - 14K - 5K
11th Edition
Ultra Paine Event Flags

Since its first edition in 2014, Ultra Paine®, has captured the attention of both national and international press. Its astonishing images, its location in the heart of Patagonia and its multinational atmosphere all have been a part of its attraction. Thus, over the years, we have welcomed extensive media coverage, both national and international. The following are a few notable mentions:

  • Your racing dream has come true!
    Running Ultramarathons Canada Flag
  • Correndo no paraíso patagônico
    Adventuremag Brazil Flag
  • Six of the best ultra trail races in the world
    Redbull.com UK Flag
  • Spektakulär löpning nära världens ände
    Runner’s World Sweden Flag
  • Los paisajes más bellos de esta zona del extremo sur del continente americano
    Runner’s World Spain Flag
  • Emoção garantida
    Runner’s World Brazil Flag
  • Der Ultra Paine im Süden Chiles ist ein Traum für alle Trailrunner
    SpiritoTrail Germany Flag
  • Una terra di emozioni forti che, a volte, quasi ti spezzano, dove la natura non è imbrigliata, addomesticata, resa a misura d’uomo
    SpiritoTrail Italy Flag
  • Notre top 5 des plus beaux trails de l’été à travers le monde
    Ouest France France Flag
  • Es un sueño del trail running
    Iloverunn Argentina Flag
  • This is your chance to navigate stunning river crossings and forest climbs… in one of the world’s most pristine running environments
    IRun4Ultra USA Flag
  • Una carrera mágica
    Run Fit Uruguay Flag
  • Excepcionales paisajes
    Carreras de Montaña Spain Flag
  • Explore a whole new world at Chilean Patagonia
    Run Singapore Singapore Flag
  • A magnet for runners from over 30 countries who were looking for the perfect way to get up close to the stunning natural beauty of Chilean Patagonia
    RunABC Scotland Flag
  • Mais perto da natureza
    Go Outside Brazil Flag
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